Do you know of someone who may need our services?
Please submit your information and we will contact you for details.
If this is an emergency please dial 911 or if you would like to speak to someone immediately call our Crisis Hotline (888) 756-8682.
Our services and activities benefit both youth and their families who struggle with a variety of issues and situations such as, but not limited to:
Bullying & Cyber-Bullying
Child/Parent Roles
Conflict in the Home
Dating Violence
Emergency Crisis
Grief & Divorce
Parenting Strategies
Peer Pressure
School Problems
Self-Harming Behaviors
Social & Emotional Support
Youth Homelessness
We collect personal information about individuals in a computer system called a Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) for reasons that are discussed in our privacy policy. We may be required to collect some personal information by organizations that fund the operation of this program. Other personal information that we collect is important to run our programs, to improve services for individuals, and to better understand the needs of individuals. In order to provide or coordinate individual referrals, case management, housing or other services, some client records may be shared with other organizations that are required to have privacy policies in place in order to protect your personal information. We only collect information that we consider appropriate. If you have any questions or would like to see our privacy policy, our staff will provide you with a copy. You have the right as a client to decline to share your information.
Counseling, Group Counseling, Crisis Intervention, Crisis Response
Team & Skills Training are available in all locations.
The Hispanic Mothers Group is offered in the Conroe office.
Healthy Support For Pregnant & Parenting Teens & Prevention is offered in the Splendora office.